29/8/2023 (after Karl Ove Knausgaard’s
fatal encounter with deer on night road
no green sward and better said
sweet deer’s fatal encounter with Knausgaard —
p.43 WINTER “I looked at the trembling outline
in the ditch before it became unbearable” —
perhaps ground is unbearable
because it carries every death? Time’s burial
the greatest wrench of all —
enough that She or He is gone but the corollary
that every life’s wherewithal -the whole
world that is- disappears as well’s
the impossibility that mauls an individual’s
loosening -eventually the ‘losing’- mental
hold —dissolves erstwhile rationale —
redefines it as mechanical
assumption —philosophically null
tho psychologically comprehendible
(“I lifted my gaze to the sky which was full
of sparkling stars” -Knausgaard (the gull:
the gull waits for the crumbs —pearls
elicited from grey paving-stones —the gnarled
surfaces —bench —perch (curled
into an Idea (all i knew unfurled —
what was Alive now behold
tattered & ragged
the desultory