Barbara Gogerly

Art has been a wonderful adventure which started with paper and pencil, as a child trying to capture that which was around me, but I had to wait until 1984 before painting took hold when I joined Waverley Arts Society.
The teacher who has had the greatest influence on my work was Carol Boothman OAM.
In 1986 I was pointed in Carol’s direction by both Marg McLoughlin and Janet Flinn and painted under her wise guidance and encouragement. The stable of artists in those classes & the weekly Life Class was phenomenal, with inspiration to spare. She has now retired but I still have her words in my mind.
It was in these classes that I met and became friends with Dot Thorne.
Initially it was people and colour that inspired my art but since moving to Yarragon in 2007 the gentle rolling hills, big open skies, and cloudscapes of West Gippsland have given me greater subject matter. I especially love the light at sunset when all the world turns to red gold in those few final moments before the sun sets out past Kerrie Brae.
2014 as a member of BBAA I was introduced to mosaic which I have to say is an addictive art form and not a craft. Classes with Helen Bodycomb, Alene Bonser, Viv Hordern, Lesley Kingston, Cetta Pilati, as well as immersion in the art of Maery Gabriel has been invaluable.
I am a member of MAANZ and attend their symposia and workshops as able.
I follow the work of Helen Knock, Rachel Davies, & Keelly Knickerbocker
Colour still pulls me in, although since the 2019 MAANZ Symposium, I have been doing quite a lot with the earthy tones of Slate, Marble and natural materials adding just a hint of colour from Smalti.
I have to say It is all good fun & Mosaic is a new & wonderful adventure.