Debora Johnson

When l create a picture l usually use a variety of mediums; distress Inks, dyes, pencils, textas, glitter
and gel pens, but l do like to experiment. My favourite medium is ink which sometimes not forgiving
but that often leads to something really nice or it goes into the “think about it pile”. I have many pieces
there that are “having a think about themselves.” I have been working with ink for many years
because it is something that l am always drawn to.
Art to me has always been in my life; it allows me to express my feelings and it helps that it is
relaxing. I have never had any training in art, but it’s something l love trying to master just naturally.
I did have an exhibition at the Whalebone Gallery many years ago with my ‘Steampunk’ Jewellery and
also won some awards on my embroideries at the Catani Show many years ago.
When l start a piece of work it’s usually with a blank piece of paper on which I create a picture from
my mind. l have a story in mind, then l choose the characters to be in the story, then a colour
depending on the mood of the piece. I hand draw and use stamps to add depth to the piece, then
comes the fun part adding colour and making the picture come to life. I often look to nature to add a
whimsical touch. Often when a story means a great deal to me and I have committed it to paper it is
hard to let it go.
One day I would really like to do a children’s book, taking the reader on a whimsical journey.
My art has had many journeys over the years ranging from embroidery to quilting, steampunk
jewellery, oil painting, junk journals. I just love an older and simpler way of life that has left discarded
that I can bring back to life.
I think we all evolve as people and change and l don’t know where or what l will be doing with art in
the future, but l do know it’s a part of my life that will always be there. I hope you enjoy my stories.