Deborah Churchill

I am a mixed medium artist, frequently experimenting with the compatibility of all mediums and techniques but I have a particular love of pen and ink, which is always featured in my work. I would describe my art as human form in the nouveau style using mixed medium in a narrative way.
I have always known art was for me; learning to sew and knit from a young age, I made my first calico rag doll when I was only 10 years old. I was instantly hooked on the fascination of creating something with its own character from fabric, wool and embroidery thread, it was pure magic.
In the 1980s I started making porcelain, antique, reproduction dolls. I particularly loved the German character dolls which led to the learning of the history and techniques of the old doll makers, including mould making, slip casting, firing, china painting, body construction, heirloom sewing, mohair wigs, shoemaking and hat making. During this time I did many workshops and specialised courses to become an accredited Master Doll Maker and Judge. As a result I operated my own business for 15 years, teaching doll making classes, repairing antique dolls and toys.
With all these skills I supposed creating Art in mixed medium made perfect sense.
My ideas come from the love of nostalgia and escapism from the fast and somewhat challenging world we live in today. I am inspired by the Art Nouveau period and the elaborate advertising from this time. Individual Artists who inspire me are Gustav Klimt, Alphonse Mucho, Albert Vargas, Norman Lindsay, Mirka Moira and Norman Rockwell are my inspiration.
My process starts with colour palette, samples of pieces and an idea, which has been stored somewhere in my brain, the more art I create the more the ideas emerge!
I hope people will see my art as gentle and reflective storytelling.