by Kris Hemensley


30 Aug 24 (14.20 or mid afternoon — wind the belter
predicted — at Degani’s
swallow complimentary water
in a single gulp – like Morse “a proper
drink” he says “it helps me to think” (fear
ever the excuse for one or another
absence — and then there is the second nature
of irreality — Borges? seem to remember
tho’ confess how unreliable the passing years
are rendering what’s been cornerstone —
the guarantee as if by osmosis
of the ascending knowledge —
visceral inhabitation


15/17 Oct 24 (back of Degani on cue served
kerbside meet & greet — sudden parking swerve
an outpour of priests joining previously
berthed quartet — waving & hi
there! all over again (“become a Greek
father…” the Aunt speaking like
a scout for lingering tho’ broken
Alexandrian dream — “forgive— forget— stop suffering
your Dad — affected by the War la pauvre — be cleverer —
wear your favourite black
to heart’s content — grow your hair & beard —take
your pick of amorous women… no joke
my darling! — you love poetry & history — Greek
Orthodox is the church for you” (Hope’s oblique
intercession — Great Wheel of Life despite bent spoke —
sailor-wise keep one’s feet
(recall from English village days roaming dogs’ barking
heard now in the darkness as hark!
hark! angels