Warragul Arts & Makers Market
NB. February 2025 Market will be still be at the Warragul Arts Centre Car Park
Baw Baw Arts Alliance Warragul Arts & Makers Market is on the 3rd Saturday of the month during the months of October through to March the following Year.
Baw Baw Arts Alliance Inc. (hereinafter known as Arts Alliance) runs the Warragul Arts & Makers Market. The Arts Alliance is a volunteer organisation. The Market is a free cultural event where visitors can view and experience what the local arts community has to offer. Artists showcase their unique handmade art works covering a large variety of genre. Warragul Arts & Makers Members Market is on the third Saturday of each month from 8.30am – 1.00pm. October to March) in the carpark of the Performing Art Centre, Albert Road Warragul
Entry Forms & Payments
Applications-Important Note– Please Read
You will have no doubt heard that the funding for the the first stage of the New Library precinct at the WGAC, has been approved. Work is meant to be starting in the New Year. If this is the case it may well have an impact on our Arts and Makers market. We have approval from the Baw Baw Shire Council for the market to be held for 3 months at this stage (October – December 2024) our previously used location in the car park of the WGAC at Civic Place, Warragul.
At this stage we looking at alternative locations for the remaining markets of January – March 2025 and we will be providing further information on this as soon as we are able.
Payments will be by the month ($40.00 per mth) and will be due 7 days prior to market day.