

Ross Jackson

Ross Jackson is a retired teacher resident in Perth who has had poetry published in Westerly, Cordite, Poetry Australia Anthology, Rabbit Poetry, Poetry New Zealand and in many other literary journals and websites. His collection, Time alone on a quiet…

Mike Greenacre

Mike Greenacre lives in Perth, W.A. He has published poems in Australia, UK & USA. In 2016 he won equal first prize in the Creatrix Poetry Prize and in 2019, his poem ‘Missing Pieces’ won first prize in the Tom…

Local Perspectives (Adelaide Hills Pathways)

by Alex Robertson Within Mt Lofty’s cooee Kaurna country (in part) Dreamings & imaginings Freeway lanes upon descent The tollgate of our environs Mind & attachment Going up or down the Ranges Geographical perspectives Interpreting the landscape To comprehend      …

Craig Lincoln

Craig Lincoln is a poet from Toowoomba in Queensland, Australia, who especially enjoys writing Japanese-style poetry. His poems have been included in various poetry anthologies, including three of the Yamada Basho Memorial publications.


by Veronica Troup Our picnic rug once strewn across the spinifex arms wrapped, melting skin our footprints followed the tiny yes of seagull tracks our names scrawled deep in wet sand did not spell n o t g o o…

Highway 79

by Veronica Troup Vast greywacke mountains elbow sky rolling under snow’s unwoken fleece liquid shale blue-wrinkles shore veined in poplar, silver birch higher, sunbathed tussocks clump alone their roots warm beneath mist touching earth Our snow laugh tastes of lemonwood…

Jay Young

they bow their heads weighed down by raindrops as nature’s cups – roses bearing the burden if only to blush brighter dreaming of vistas whose breezes dance on my neck as seen before with sillage sensed – memories adrift at…

Walking at night

by Pauline Cleary When I reach the gate, the call of a mopoke cuts through the night, haunting and melancholic, a two-beat song, repeated. The moon rises, glowing and evanescent, floating on orange-rimmed cloud; tossed into the sky by some…

Reflections on Gaza

by Andrew Hede Hamas hostages massacre survivors in netherworld darkness initial helplessness descends into hopelessness ~ witnessing from afar brings deep sadness tinged with despair a young boy weeps beside his parents wrapped in white shrouds their home a heap…

Jan O’Loughlin

ficus trees stand watch in the old asylum grounds the lunatics have left colonial buildings crumbling in the summer rain Callan Park, Sydney flannel flowers are points of light amongst banksia scrub fire-blackened and sodden with rain Garangal – North…