

A ritual on the Merri

by LILLI WARD This social experiment seems like something I want to do or at least something I should want to do. I should want to wade knee deep in muddy puddles, watching dozens of udders face a silky tunic…

A Long Ride

by Tony Steven Williams The afternoon sea breeze is superstrong, the surf messy, confused,grumbling like a hung-over mind.On the beach, I see a veteran surferheading towards the café on the dune. His Cairn Terrier stays back, watchingher master with anxious,…

A delicate lace of hope

by Kate King The signs were there – in the crackle of the humus and the harshness of the air, the clearing of the forests and the drying of the soil. The bugs beneath the bark scattered. Leaf beetles flickered…

Abbotsford Convent

by JEANNIE HAUGHTON Night walk to the cloisters, constellations of dark women, hips swaying to the rhythm of carry bags the evening meal or tomorrow’s lunch no car boots filled with a week’s supplies no click and collect around here…

Fantastical Mapping (in the Crinigan Bushland Reserve)

by DIJANNE CEVAAL Walking along a path through recuperated bushland Small birds sass and chirp, dancing in the shrubby undergrowth Dew drops glitter up high in the native cherry, nature’s tinsel Fungi emerge from the underworld, briefly dazzling in their…

Wooden Church in the Country

by LAURIE KEIM On the road to nowhere you don’t expect symbols or signs of devotion, do you? And you don’t expect to trip upon things in the long grass denoting the death of others. And you don’t expect the…

Tony Steven Williams

Tony Steven Williams is a Canberra poet and short-fiction author who writes across a broad range of genre and format. In all his work, the environment and the human condition are important to him. Tony has two poetry collections (Ginninderra…

Rohan Buettel

Rohan Buettel lives in Canberra, ACT. His haiku appear in various Australian and international journals (including Presence, Cattails and The Heron’s Nest). His longer poetry appears in numerous journals, including The Goodlife Review, Rappahannock Review, Penumbra Literary and Art Journal,…

Vanessa Proctor

Vanessa Proctor has a special interest in haiku and its related forms. She is a past president of the Australian Haiku Society. Her haiku appear on public art installations in Australia and New Zealand. Her free verse has been published…