

Deb Wearne


Deb Wearne Deb Wearne is a frequent contributor to Baw Baw Arts Alliance exhibitions and the shops in both the Yarragon Station Gallery and the Trafalgar Artspace. Her wearable art is exquisitely produced and presented. Although she has always been…

Dale Plew


Dale Plew A TRIBUTE TO DALE PLEW Who you would always find running the Station Gallery at Yarragon on a Friday and running his Drawing group at Trafalgar on a Thursday Thoughtful, pensive, reflective, meditative, brooding and contemplative, all aspects…

Ingrid Thomas

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Ingrid Thomas Currently Ingrid is doing a great deal of work in acrylics because she likes the fact that they dry quickly and she can paint in layers. She enjoys the intense colours and can work on a number of…

Jessie McLennan

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Jessie McLennan I was born in Bairnsdale and spent my early years in an idyllic, isolated life on the Ninety Mile Beach bordering the Gippsland Lakes. I was very fond of both my grandmothers. One had a collection of posters…

Prue Barridge

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Prue Barridge Many of the readers of this newsletter will have seen Prue Barridge’s name in the report from the annual general meeting when she accepted the complex job of treasurer. However, few will know of Prue’s expertise as a…

Jill Loader

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Jill Loader Previously I have worked in porcelain paper clay and raku clay I specialised in ceramics at RMIT University. I am enjoying working with a combination of polymer clay, cotton rope and natural materiels. Because of the Covid 19…

Liz Harbridge

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Liz Harbridge Liz Harbridge is an artist who works mainly with fabrics and found objects. She compliments these with eco dyeing, fabric manipulation, machine and hand stitching. These days much of her inspiration comes from her excursions to charity shops,…

Anita George


Anita George Learning Calligraphy is like learning music; practice, practice; exact forms; exact shapes; each style different pen angles, heights, shapes. With practice you find your rhythm. I did a one year painting/drawing class at TAFE. First lesson, I was…

The opening

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Unveiling , August 2021 (due to Covid condition the opening scheduled for 6th August 2021 was canceled)In Leu of the scheduled a fun Video was created .

The second Move

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at last…we present to you…Pat, the Dog.   Pat arrives at the Station Gallery, Yarragon. 8th July 2021 Pat is lifted into place. So exciting! Jessie is removing the bolts and patching the holes with more tiles. Barb is tiling the…