

The Plinth

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The plinth is 500mm high..It took a couple of weeks for the plinth to “cure”. That means it had to dry sufficiently to become hard enough to take the weight of Pat. Pat is 2 metre tall and weighs ≈500…

Mosaicking Pat

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Mosaic group members started mosiacing the area under the jacket. This looked way easier than the curves we had to tackle on the head. Then we followed with the eyes and nose and finally all of the area on top…

Glueing on the Patches

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Following the template the completed mosaic patches of Pat’s coat were applied by a professional tiler. We used kerabond mixed with Isolastic as the gluing medium. Between each patch was a line of a different type of tile called opus…

Putting on the Jacket

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A jacket made from fabric was fitted onto Pat. This jacket then had all the different patches chalked onto it and numbered. A number of odd shaped patches were made to fit the curves. All of the patches were numbered…

The First Move

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Firstly, Pat had to move from the studio where he was created. The truck did not fit down the long driveway, so Pat was moved to the road by tractor and then transferred to a truck for the remainder of…

The Jacket

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The jacket is made from patchwork mosaic. The patches were made in workshops by members of the community, led by members of the Baw Baw Arts Alliance mosaic group.  The coloured tiles are made from glass, and they had to be…

The Sculpture

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Using Jessie’s maquette as a guide it was professionally scanned. Then slices of heavy duty polystyrene was cut to the shape of Pat and then glued together in layers.  Pat then had to be filed, sawed and shaved into shape. Next…


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The committee of Baw Baw Arts Alliance (Bbaa) have always wanted a sculpture outside the Station Gallery, Yarragon. In 2019 the mosaic group took up the challenge. Led by Jessie Mclennan (Artist, Sculptor) project managed by Janet Wyllie, technical advice…

Catchment Poetry Workshop

WRITING WORKSHOP- CATCHMENT -POETRY OF PLACEWHERE ? Art Space 1, Trafalgar Railway Station, Princes Highway, TrafalgarWHEN ? Sunday 21 April. 10.30am -1.00pmWHAT ? Workshopping new poems with a sense of placeTOWARDS ? Catchment edition 2 ( released on 21 June)BRING…

Light and Shade

2024 03 20 12 38 40 baw baw arts alliance – supporting local artists — mozilla firefox

Light and Shade – a Bbaa Organised Exhibition Information Terms & Conditions If you have a problem with the form you can report here Exhibition Entry Form: