

Catchment Poetry reading

Information and Bookings. PUBLIC READING OF POEMS FROM CATCHMENT A second exciting event linked to Catchment will involve a set of public readings of poems selected from its first edition! This will take place at the Community Hub in Oak…

Terms & Conditions – Arts Market

Warragul Arts & Makers Market – Terms and Conditions Applications Payments Insurance Stallholder’s Responsibility Arts Alliance’s Responsibility Baw Baw Arts Alliance Inc will not accept any responsibility for expenses arising from theft and/or damage to artwork/goods or vehicles during the…

Dot Thorne

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Dot Thorne I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, but didn’t start thinking seriously until I was about 30. Realistic and traditional at first, very good training. Then I started abstracting a bit, and using more…

Liz Bowley

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Liz Bowley Although I studied art right through school and was encouraged by artistic parents, my passion for art lay dormant until the children left home. A voucher for lessons with well-known artist John Mutsaers reignited the flame and guided…

Artist Profile Template

Although I studied art right through school and was encouraged by artistic parents, my passion for art lay dormant until the children left home. A voucher for lessons with well-known artist John Mutsaers reignited the flame and guided me on…

Exhibitions , Entry Forms and Info

Exhibition info (custom)

Exhibition, Entry Forms and Info The Station Gallery (Yarragon Railway Station) has a main exhibition and an “On the Wall” exhibition. Both exhibitions   generally change every month, apart from the Christmas period where they run for two months. If you…


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Catchment has moved! the new Catchment website is now located click here