

Gerry Jacobson

Gerry Jacobson lives in Ngunnawal/N’gambri country (Canberra). He writes tanka in cafes, on bush walks, and weeding the garden. He loves tanka prose and haibun and belongs to two supportive groups: Friday Writers and the Lyrebirds Tanka Circle. ‘Work’ was…

Beneath stage lights

by Rodney Williams ‘I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be’ – T.S. Eliot, ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ It’s not my place to invent soliloquy Outside lines in a script, I don’t improvise Beneath stage lights I’m given…

Wendy Beach

Wendy Beach is a poet living in Perth, WA on Whadjuk Noongar lands. She completed her MA at Curtin University. Her poems have appeared in Online in Westerly, Scope magazine, Creatrix and elsewhere. Her work has been published in the…

Jo Whitelaw

Jo Whitelaw lives in Yinnar, Victoria, on Gunaikurnai land. She enjoys singing and song writing. Having previously participated in the online poetry forum of Eclectic Creators Unite, she recently tiptoed into publicly performing some of her work. Jo is looking…

Robyn Cairns

Robyn Cairns is a poet who resides in Naarm She experiences great joy in the challenge and love of writing short form and prose poetry to express both her emotional and sensory connection to the world. Robyn has two chapbooks…

Isi Unikowski

Isi Unikowski lives on Ngunnawal country in Canberra, Australia. He has been widely published in Australia, including Best of Australian Poems 2022, and overseas. His first collection, Kintsugi, was published in 2022 by Puncher & Wattman, New South Wales, with…

Rohan Buettel

Rohan Buettel lives in Canberra on land whose traditional custodians are the Ngunnawal people. His haiku appear in various Australian and international journals (including Presence, Cattails and The Heron’s Nest). His longer poetry appears in numerous journals, including Rattle, The…

Doné de Beer

Doné de Beer is a Namibian born writer living in Melbourne. She is a writer of many forms, dabbling in screenplays, poetry and novels. She has completed her BA in Communication (Media) and works as a copywriter at a plant…

Marilyn Humbert

Marilyn Humbert lives on Darug and GuriNgai land in Berowra, NSW Australia. Her tanka and haiku appear in many international, Australian journals, anthologies and online. Her free verse poems have been awarded prizes in competitions, published in anthologies, journals and…

Hazel Hall

Hazel Hall (Canberra) is a poet, musicologist, editor and international judge of short forms. She recently directed the Poetry at Manning Clark House poetry series in Canberra. She has published five poetry books of poetry and four chapbooks. Hazel and…