Category Accounting1

Catchment Poetry Workshop

WRITING WORKSHOP- CATCHMENT -POETRY OF PLACEWHERE ? Art Space 1, Trafalgar Railway Station, Princes Highway, TrafalgarWHEN ? Sunday 21 April. 10.30am -1.00pmWHAT ? Workshopping new poems with a sense of placeTOWARDS ? Catchment edition 2 ( released on 21 June)BRING…

Catchment Poetry reading

Information and Bookings. PUBLIC READING OF POEMS FROM CATCHMENT A second exciting event linked to Catchment will involve a set of public readings of poems selected from its first edition! This will take place at the Community Hub in Oak…

Exhibitions , Entry Forms and Info

Exhibition info (custom)

Exhibition, Entry Forms and Info The Station Gallery (Yarragon Railway Station) has a main exhibition and an “On the Wall” exhibition. Both exhibitions   generally change every month, apart from the Christmas period where they run for two months. If you…