Category Artists

Wendy Hitchins


Wendy Hitchins If you haven’t yet met Canadian born glass bead artist, Wendy Hitchins, make sure you do not miss either the Warragul Arts Market Wendy also participates in Open Studios West Gippsland (a self-guided studio tour of select artists)…

Russell Monson

Russell monson

Russell Monson I have always had a fascination with photography, having wanted a camera from my teen years. With a background in the Physical Sciences and an interest in technology, the interest grew with the move from analogue (film) to…

Lynne Hall

Lynne hall (custom)

Lynne Hall I am a mainly self taught artist.   I have always loved art and as a little child pencil and paper were never far away. At 30 years of age I began to paint and take lessons with…

Joan Best

Joan best

Joan Best Joan Best is the newest member of the Baw Baw Arts Alliance Committee of Management. She has brought lots of energy and enthusiasm to the Arts Alliance as evidenced in her beautiful pieces in the current ‘Station Gallery’…

Donna Mitchell

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Donna Mitchell Art has been a passion of mine since I was a child. I loved to enter my work in school competitions held at our local flower show in Jindivick. I would draw and trace and sketch and colour…

Heather Brimblecombe

Hbrimblecombe (custom)

Heather Brimblecombe If you have ever been to the Friday Fibre Group you will most likely have seen the meticulous and creative work of felter, Heather Brimblecombe. It is always interesting to ask an artist about their first memories of…

Elisabeth Smoorenburg


Elisabeth Smoorenburg Among many of the beautiful pieces of art on display for sale in The Station Gallery, Yarragon, are Elisabeth Smoorenburg’s small pieces of jewellery created from a range of materials such as German silver, brass, copper and gemstones.…

Deb Wearne


Deb Wearne Deb Wearne is a frequent contributor to Baw Baw Arts Alliance exhibitions and the shops in both the Yarragon Station Gallery and the Trafalgar Artspace. Her wearable art is exquisitely produced and presented. Although she has always been…

Dale Plew


Dale Plew A TRIBUTE TO DALE PLEW Who you would always find running the Station Gallery at Yarragon on a Friday and running his Drawing group at Trafalgar on a Thursday Thoughtful, pensive, reflective, meditative, brooding and contemplative, all aspects…

Ingrid Thomas

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Ingrid Thomas Currently Ingrid is doing a great deal of work in acrylics because she likes the fact that they dry quickly and she can paint in layers. She enjoys the intense colours and can work on a number of…