Category Longer Poetry

Sudavik, Iceland

by GREGORY PIKO (16 January 1995, after the avalanche) searching for life under rubble under ice under darkness the team struggles in from the blizzard collapsing seeing at last the fear in the eyes of the rescue dog


by SUZI MEZEI The window boasts white hot constellations that jar wakeful eyes, brazen glare exposes all that’s moored to our suburban plot: the trunks of scribbly gums etched in secret arboreal script, the neighbour’s sharp-eared terriers, listless at fenced…

Strangers join a walking group in Tasmania

by ROSS JACKSON Usually solo hikers, diffident by nature, they trudge in line each one eyeing the ground on the trail ahead for the first hour or two— the only sign of individuality is in diverse patterns of their boot…


by JEREMY GADD Here come the squalls, obscuring and hiding all behind vertical wet walls. Like shower curtains hung from low slung clouds, sensuously oscillating grey shades of spray cut silent swathes across the breadth of the bay, akin to…

South Hellsgate

by AMANDA ALLAN Climbing: Hooves thump for purchase. Nostrils flare, snorting steam. Snow covered bracken. Tree ferns droop, drip. Summit: Granite boulders capped, fluffy white. Scattered tall gums. Thick chilled cloud, Engulfing view. Stop: Slowing rhythm flanks against legs. Shiver.…

Sisters of the South

by FRED DUNCAN Tierra del Fuego and the island of Tasmania, Beautiful sisters of the southern seas, Separated forever by the infinite ocean, But joined by the currents of the sea and the sky, And in the icy nights –…

Short, unmade film

by STEPHANIE POWELL Prologue: The seconds don’t collapse, they linger – like this: she remains one foot on the pavement, one foot on the road taking the morning… With a photo? Or eating hues? The south-easterly entering her open mouth…

sense of arc

by KEVIN GILLAM there’s a wide silence here, bar lines through hours unplayed, pines and, of course, that pylon, island smeared, wind shushing at waves. one gull, high up, comma cut loose, cirrus, summer, shimmer heat with eyes running the…

Sea Eagles

by ANDREW HEDE She sits alone on a cliff-top staring at the ships and the surfers, meandering in her inner world. An eagle rises slowly on an updraft, scans her with expressionless eyes and slips into her consciousness. Initially, she…


by LYNDAL TURNER There is a place that exists only in darkness, where the streetlights’ shallow pools don’t touch, and the cars we’ve made crouch in the space we’ve made for them. The arc of their backs glitter with tears.…