Category Longer Poetry

Fitzroy Falls

by VANESSA PROCTOR over the escarpment, inevitable, like joy or grief, rivulets of white spray cooling the January air. Gravity grips us with strange ideas, pulls us all down, one way or another, a rock, a tree, a man. Only…

Entrance Blue

by JULIE CONSTABLE in the forest stately spotted gums shed bark — revealing maps mystery countries coloured salmon-pink and cream a silver sea the forest lime gathered beneath the trees burrawang cycads spread green fronds a splash of indigo reels…

dust bowl days

by KEVIN GILLAM it was in April I believe, on a Sunday. Frankie was on the veranda, chewing his ‘bacco, spitting and staring, staring into nothing. “see how spotty that wheat is out there?” my eyes take in swathes of…

Dare Ya: Third Panel in a Southern Triptych

by RODNEY WILLIAMS after Harper Lee & Craig Silvey now designer Colorbond above masonry blocks glass ceiling to floor in hometown South Gippsland where a hut between trees on the edge of town had rusted browner than copper by my…


by CHARNTEL CLEVELAND Baby gurgles on a blanket while you plunder Nan’s yard, dodging bindis and burrs for the enchantment of dandelions. You offer Nan the yellow flowers but save the fluffy ones. Stoked with her posey, Nan finds a…

Crossing the Fitzroy

by HELEN McDONALD A response to Aboriginal artist Sonia Kurarra’s painting ‘Martuwarra’after being invited to camp on Bunuba country by the traditional owners My surface eyes skim acrossthe forever Fitzroy river.An outsider, heavy-treadingon this land,I watch from the bank –see skipping,…

Crossing Borders near MOTS

by RODNEY WILLIAMS with echoes of A. B. Paterson through a gap we spy the river’s last banks no fertile delta of islets dropped as silt more golden dunes shifting forever in flux bands of sand dancing slowly with currents…

Creswick Cup

by ROGER VICKERY A stand of Cypress Pines trembling like chained dogs from Mount Buninyong winds… artesian water trickling across grader-cut contours Gondwana glories … Jackson Pollock palettes… pinks, purples, browns & golds… a sky-blue porcelain mug no chain or…


by JANE DOWNING She lies across the river’s constant flow branches once intent upon the sky now prone, reaching for the other side ripples skirting her brittle crown How quickly colour bled from her limbs – toppled by erosion, a…

Coburg, Victoria

by JO McINERNEY Walking these streets hunting the past. Not seeking mum’s lipsticked smile or dad’s stiff creased fedora. Instead looking for the waving acres, wide paddocks where skinks flickered and giant goannas forced a path. The sunny fields where…