Category Longer Poetry


by STEPHANIE POWELL 1. Purple flowers You weren’t born when / the Challenger exploded / but you’ve seen / the clouds bursting / fuselage in free fall / Floridian winter / blue / headless skies 2. Floridian winter limestone tectonic…

Careful As You Go

by JANE DOWNING my pathway is a gallery trod with care over maple stained cement mimicking my grandmother’s wallpaper one leaf crimson alive around butterflies desiccating in the gravel a wing lifting on the breeze imitating life in the vault…


by ANDREW HEDE wet rainforest my field of vision filled with a mass of varied green hues as my busy mind is calmed I notice a movement crimson rosellas black cockatoos shriek ebulliently through scribbly gums as I sit exhausted…


by LAURIE KEIM Deep in sleep at the borderline between the inner world and the sightless sounds issuing in from the night- world of the real, I translate ambient aural clues into a desperate desire to be at one with…

Black Swans

by MICHAEL BUCKINGHAM GRAY push up against a sheet of heat & slip as they wade up the shore pause under the shade of a peppermint tree & after a siesta stretch out their long necks seeking a way to…

Bernard’s birthday poem

by KRIS HEMENSLEY B. “I’m sitting here — admiring my Marimekko pot from Finland/ not Japan/ as you might think” — K. I’m sitting here — writing not waiting — ‘there’ imbibed of his contemplation (3/5 Feb. — added (inside…


by WAYNE POLLARD They fly to our trees. From somewhere unknown At 4-30pm they visit Rest in our trees. Pork mince awaits Their meal of choice Eat and leave. Tomorrow will come. Demented Echidna Poets Collective 24th April 2024.

Bellbird Park

by WAYNE POLLARD Eucalypt Orchestra A wind gently drifts across the park. A gum leaf gathers with others to hum a melody. Leaves still holding branches become wind chimes. To play a tune accompanying the leaves scattered in the grass.…

Arthur River

by GLENN MCPHERSON When bones Wash up On rocks, At the world’s edge There are distances We are Without. Dolerite- Headed thoughts Have stood here So long, unuttered. Fire does not move The way wind Moves ocean Where a dancing…

April in Eastwood

by RICHARD CLARKE When April with its sweet rains, its cooler evenings, shrinking days, tells the leaves to fade and fall while tibouchina and easter daisies, blushing purple, pink, pale, shade clusters of stonecrop, the dew settles, the dust goes,…