Night owls prowl
It’s snowing in Scotland
The sky is black
I watch house hunters abroad on mute
Timer to go off in 60 minutes
It stops the chatter in my bones
It’s night
Cicadas rasp their penises against their bellies
To attract females
The orange man incites anarchy
The rooster doesn’t crow anymore he’s been rehoused
The chooks are relieved
Their flesh will recover
It’s night I lie sideways across the bed
To save my neck from breaking
I cushion all joints to relieve pain
I’m not complaining
I’ve been worse
It’s night I chant 8 times
Breathe in and hold and out and hold to 8 8 8 8
8 times
I recite 10 French words to all the letters
Count slowly from 100 backwards
Pause to allow thoughts to flow away
The night is still
This hemisphere is sleeping
Larry stirs on my leopard skin dressing gown
From the end of my bed
It’s night
And now it’s morning