Nesting Season
by Maria Bonar A young dove builds her first nest on a precarious nook on my front porch. A previous site of windblown disaster strewn twigs, woolly strands, broken eggs She bills and coos loudly, announcing her flimsy new domicile…
by Maria Bonar A young dove builds her first nest on a precarious nook on my front porch. A previous site of windblown disaster strewn twigs, woolly strands, broken eggs She bills and coos loudly, announcing her flimsy new domicile…
by Celeste Brittain night falls on the riverside board walk reflected in water a cathedral of stars deep, luminous glistening out of reach a hum like an engine – water crashes against rocks we shine torches on seaweed, and walk…
Mary Salter has lived in Perth for most of her life and acknowledges the original inhabitants, their manifest knowledge and love of country. She has taught English and Literature and has written all of her life. She has published a…
by Kate Olivieri My neighbour told me Someone cried to their case manager My kids’ placentas are buried in the yard Will you compensate me for that my heart dropped so is my son’s the government is buying our house…
by Rachel Skellett Sundays with you, where our roots start to grow, we wander in awe, as we venture, investigate and reflect on the place we now call home. The artistry of the season they call Kambarang radiating into view, golden-orange, honeyed…
flares zooming brighten the sky bodies of women and children flying through the air Gaza, Middle East collecting eggs in the coop another chicken on the ground lifeless
Dijanne Cevaal is a textile artist who has written several instructional books in France and Australia and has exhibited widely. She has been a member of the Time to Write group facilitated by Rodney Williams for the Baw Baw Arts…
dry river once carrying these stones rough edges now smooth my life story a dry river bogongs lured by bright lights… the morning cleaner sweeps away another species silhouettes stand to attention, the haunting notes of a bugle… Remembrance Day…
Jeannie Haughton began writing puppetry scripts, then studied writing, completed the Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing and continues to write for theatre, with many produced plays under her belt. Writing short stories, non-fiction pieces and long-form poetry, she loves…
damp crumpled body in a dark dry corner – as rats rustle bolts driven shut carriage rolling