Longer Poetry


by Carl Walsh mountains hold names to themselves landscape borrowed transplanted in gardens that twist like lonely water pruned into shape hawk-eyed tombi adjusts air river flows backward caught between forces timbers cut path to near enlightenment feet long to…

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by Les Wicks The tide isn’t waiting now, it never has. Sometimes that house down by the dock had hated certainties… children appeared then left for jobs in a city which made nothing except money. For the aged man resident…

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Red Scarf

by Helen Genoni-Farnham He was a very old man by then, stooped, with a cane and ready smile. Said he’d found it on a railway station in Melbourne somewhere. “I’ll give it to you if you like it.” I took…

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by Pauline Cleary Shadowy, cloudy day; sprawling trees mesh together in a canopy. I crouch amongst the sprawl of asparagus fern; sticky, invasive, conquering. On my knees, I slither into the undergrowth, seizing handfuls of weeds, ripping them from their…

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